
Sic Semper ediciones

This book is designed like a maze, like a game of Jigsaw that the reader builds as they progress. We play with the type that dances with the musicality of the author's words. In the words of Miguel Tejada (editor):

Jardín is a short, labyrinthine and kaleidoscopic novel; it is a diary of dreams within other dreams. Daniella Torres's writing occurs through the music of life: it goes back and forth with the pungent rhythms of information; it is outlined on the contemporary horizon, when the murmur of the dark air of these broken and wild cities appears, and it atomizes in the heartbeat of repetitive thoughts and of the unexpected beauty at the end of delusions: where auroras are born, between rubble and pavessa.

The book includes a page of stickers for the user to play with them, assign them to the chapters and have another interaction beyond reading.

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